Medical Vacuum Filter- A sieve for contamination

All major hospitals these days use medical vacuum filters. They have a lot of other applications in the field of life sciences and health care units.

The pressure differential is maintained in the vacuum filtration process across the medium of filters through the evacuation of air under the filter paper. A force is applied through the vacuum filtration process on the solution along with the one exerted through gravity, this speeds up the process of filtration.

Centralized system

Vacuum is used widely as a tool in surgery, anesthesia, and intensive care units. Mostly, wards and units in hospitals are connected at the wall creating vacuum pressure for aspiration.

These outlets for vacuum in different rooms like the one patient or the surgery wards are well connected through a central vacuum system. These central vacuum systems are generally placed in the basements of the building. The whole setup comprises vacuum pumps, control, and a buffer.

This pump could be 3 to 4 in the number to face redundancy and elongate the uptime as much as possible, at least 2 pumps should be part of the system. Alternately pumps are used however to get maximum speed all can be used together. Mostly around 1 ultimate mbar pressure is applied through the commonly used single-stage rotary vane pumps.

Inlet filters and draining valves for condensed liquids and particles are used with buffer vessels having 100 to 1000 lit volumes.

To eradicate any chance of bacterial or germs transmission through vacuum ducts, highly advanced and specially designed filters called medical vacuum filters are used.

These medical vacuum filters sieve and remove any bacterial or liquid contamination or any solid particle. They are installed at the entry point or the inlet of the vacuum pump.

They also help in protecting vacuum pumps from any sort of damage due to solid, liquid, or bacterial contaminations. The harmful exhaust is then released safely into the downstream air.

With International Standards medical vacuum filters and air dryers manufactured by Gasair Multitech LLP are the most demanded in the industry. Gaspar Multitech LLP is a well-established name in the field of technology and is known for its quality products like air dryers in India.


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