How is the Medical Oxygen Generated?

It is quite easy for us to breathe in the natural oxygen that our mother earth provides us with, right? However, did you know that the amount of oxygen in our air ambient is only 20% of all the gases? Well yes, the rest 80% of gases is the combination of multiple gases in the air such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen among others. Oxygen easily passes through the lungs into the blood. It also pumps blood from the heart to all the parts of our body. Oxygen carries many functions to make all the organs work fine. However, when our body functions collapse, we need more quantity of oxygen for organs to function properly. To fill the gap of oxygen, we use supplementary oxygen that is scientifically generated. This scientifically generated oxygen helps resume body organs to work properly.

Medical Oxygen Generating Procedure

The medical oxygen generators collect air in the gaseous form and liquefy it with extremely low (cold) temperature. This artificially generated medical oxygen is stored in the pressure vessels. These pressure vessels are required to be completely evacuated to lower the chances of air contamination. The entire procedure from storing gases to vaporizing and liquefying under a certain temperature is done using the pressure vessel. However, the task does not complete here. Once the storage, vaporization and condensation part is done, the air is dried with refrigerated air dryers.

The refrigerated air dryer is used to remove the moisture contained in the compressed air. The refrigerated air dryers work in the same way as our domestic refrigerators and air conditioners (AC) work. They compress the air in the air-to-refrigerant heat exchanger temperature and drain off the moisture.

However, there is still one thing that is obligatory before medical oxygen is ready to use. We must not forget that the medical oxygen is used for oxygen therapy in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. Owing to this, the medical oxygen is entitled as a drug and hence requires FDA certification to make it ready for use. This whole function completes the medical oxygen generation that is ready to use in the healthcare sectors such as hospitals, nursing homes and other medical units.


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