Refrigerated Air Dryers - Everything you want to know

Hospitals highly rely on compressed air systems for their oxygen gas needs. This air contains moisture, which if not managed well can negatively affect the applications. To find out the solution to this problem, refrigerated air dryers were innovated. Refrigerated air dryer suppliers provide high-quality dryers to help hospitals remove moisture content from the air generators.

But how do these dryers function? Check everything about refrigerated air dryers from their functionality to the benefits making them so useful.

How do refrigerated air dryers function?

These systems work with a similar principle like that of domestic refrigerators or air conditioners. The system cools down the compressed air in an air-to-refrigerate heat exchange to around 35°F. This is a temperature where the moisture distils and drains off.

Types of refrigerated air dryers

Non-cycling refrigerated air dryers

In these dryers, the refrigerant circulates continuously in the system. Due to the difference in the flow of the hospital compressed air system and ambient temperatures, the temperature of the refrigerant is regulated with the help of a hot gas bypass valve. It also prevents the freezing operating conditions in the system.

Variable speed refrigerated air dryers

A variable speed refrigeration system is used to match the dryer energy consumption with the air demand and to make them properly function under static temperature conditions. In addition to proper operation, these air dryers also help hospitals bring down their operating costs.

Advantages of the refrigerated dryer:

  • Low initial capital investment
  • High reliability
  • Easy to use and maintain
  • Low operating cost
  • Helps in increasing compressor's lifespan
  • Low maintenance cost

So next time when you plan to find an air dryer system for your hospital, find a refrigerated air dryers supplier that provides you with the best products with all the above-mentioned features.


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